
Application Designer Peoplesoft Tool Interview Questions

1. What is Tosca Testsuite?

Ans: Tosca Testsuite is a testing tool developed by Tricentis Technology along with Consulting GmbH. C# is the main language used to build the tool. Java and VB6 are also used in the creation of this tool. It is used for carrying out end-to-end functional and regression testing on software products. Major companies like Allianz, Toyota, Starbucks, BMW, HBO, Whole Foods, etc are using this tool

2. What is TCShell?


TC-Shell is the command-line control of the Tosca Commander. It can be started in two ways,

  • Interactive - provides a fully controllable GUI for the user with assistance and options
  • Script - we need to write a series of commands on a script data file and run it. We wouldn't have much control in this process

3. What is the use of Tosca Qc/Alm integration?

Ans:HP Quality Center tool can be integrated with Tosca so that users can create, save and update Tosca test cases directly in ALM. The test execution results will also be made visible in HP ALM.

4. What are the loops available in Tosca?


There are 2 types of loops available in Tosca,

  • Incremental Loops - can be executed for a set number of times
  • Dynamic Loops - the loop will be executed until a condition is met (do-while or a while loop)
5. What are the advantages of Tosca Testsuite?


The advantages of Tosca Testsuite are,

  • Drag and drop functionality
  • Enables scriptless automation
  • Provides Model-based automation
  • Easy to learn and user-friendly GUI
  • Assets Reusability
  • Reduces regression testing time
6. What is the methodology that the Tosca tool is based on?

Ans:Tosca is based on LinearQ(m) methodology

7.Define business parameters in Tosca?


Business parameters allow you to set the values you want in your test cases.

The below can be specified manually within the module:

  • XML elements and attributes on the Payload tab
  • JSON data on the Payload tab
  • Headers in the list of headers
  • Settings in the Params tab
  • Details on the transport of requests
  • Status code and answer time in response

Business parameters can also be revised if the payload has changed.

8. What are the components of the Tosca Testsuite package?


Tosca Testsuite package contains four components,

  • Tosca Commander - It is like an IDE used for creating projects
  • Tosca Executor - used for executing the test cases
  • Tosca XScan (Tosca Wizard) - used for scanning input fields and save the information as modules
  • Test Repository - used for saving all the workspaces
9. What types of testing can be done with Tosca?


Using Tosca, we can perform GUI testing, mobile testing, API testing, BI and data warehouse testing, exploratory testing, etc.

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10. What is Tosca CI?


Tosca Continuous Integration allows executing test cases directly from the build server without the user having to manually execute them. The Tosca CI client runs the test cases and sends the test results to the build server as an XML file.

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11. What is synchronization in Tosca?

Ans:Synchronization in Tosca allows the execution of automated TestCases to be synchronized by using processes and events so it can match the application speed.

12. What is exploratory testing?

Ans:Exploratory testing is the process of learning about the product, designing and executing tests, interpreting test results all at the same time. It is called a plan-as-you-test approach. It is available under Execution Section in the Tosca Commander.

13. What is a recovery scenario in Tosca?

Ans:Recovery scenario is for the tool to react in an unexpected situation i.e a collection of test steps that need to be executed in case a particular test fails.

14.What happens if the recovery scenario fails?

Ans:If a recovery scenario fails, Tosca moves on to the next higher level recovery scenario. If all of the recovery scenarios are failed, Tosca reports the test case as failed.

15. What is the use of Rescan?

Ans:Tosca Recan is used for scanning the already scanned module. When you have a scanned webpage in a test case and if the UI is updated a bit, then we need to rescan the webpage and add it to the test case.

16. What is a template in Tosca?

Ans:A Tosca template is a model (or) a structured format that can be reusable for creating concrete TestCases. The TestCases that have a similar sequence of steps can be converted to templates.

17. What are the types of errors in Tosca?


Tosca has three different types of errors,

  • Verification-Failure - when the expected results are not attained during verification
  • Dialog-Failure - application errors like crashes or jams or tries to go in a path which does not exist
  • User Abort - when the user stops the test execution
18. What is Test Data Management?

Ans:Test Data Management is the process of managing data required to carry out the TestCases. When a workspace is created, Tosca automatically establishes a connection to the common repository where the test data resides. We can even connect to another test data source, we can manually change the connection string to a different repository.

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19. Explain about Tosca Query Language

Ans: Tosca Query Language (TQL) is used to write search queries for searching through objects, object relations, and object properties within a project. TQL is context-dependent.

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20 .Can we perform Excel operations in Tosca?


Yes, we can. Tosca provides standard Excel modules that we have to import to our workspace. We should also have Microsoft Excel 2003 or Microsoft Excel 2007 installed on our system for it to work.

     If you want to Explore more about Tosca? then read our updated article - Tosca Tutorial.

21.How can we fetch test data from Excel using Tosca?


We can fetch test data from Excel in two ways,

  • For a single TestCase scenario, we can use TemplateInstance and create a number of test cases that are needed from the test dataset. It will also import Excel's test data and embed them into test cases.
  • For different TestCases and have to import data from an external source, then we can use the Excel Engine module (or) we can write our own keywords using VB script and import the Excel test data
22. How can we use multiple browsers in the same test case in Tosca?


We cannot trigger multiple browsers in Tosca. However, we can perform cross-browser execution. When we need to automate a TestCase with an application that has to run on different browsers, then we can use buffers. Using buffers, we can change the value in the test configuration parameter at run-time. And then specify which browser needs to be used for each buffer using the TBox Set Buffer.

23. How can we identify objects in Tosca Testsuite?


There are 4 ways to identify objects in Tosca,

  • Identify by properties
  • Identify by anchor
  • Identify by image
  • Identify by index
24. How can we run ExecutionLists?


We can run an ExecutionList by clicking on the Run option in the context menu of the Tosca Commander. We can also run it by directly pressing on the F6 key in the Execution section.

25. How can we run tests in ScratchBook?


ScratchBook allows us to perform trail runs on TestCases. We have the following options to run tests in a ScratchBook,

  • Run objects immediately upon creation
  • Drag and drop the required objects into the window, arrange them in a specified order and then run them
26. What is the difference between ExceutionLists and ScratchBook?


ExecutionLists are used to accumulate completed TestCases and run them at once. Whereas a ScratchBook is used for running individual TestCases upon creation of TestCases or to check TestCases that are still in an incomplete state.

27.Can Tosca be integrated with Jira?


Yes, we can integrate Tosca and Jira using Tasktop Integration Hub in Tosca Connect. To improve collaboration between development and the testing team, Tosca has provided Jira integration. We can synchronize failed tests in Tosca to defects in Jira.

28. Can we perform a pdf compare using Tosca?

Ans: Yes, the TC PDF Compare from Tosca Exchange Portal can be used for comparing pdf files. We can give 2 pdf files to be compared to this. The differences found will be shown in the ExecutionLog once the execution is completed

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29. Can we create TestCase templates manually?


Yes, we can create a TestCase template manually by using the Tosca BI modules. To create a template, right-click on the test case and select the "Convert to Template" option in the context menu.

If you have any doubts on Tosca, then get them clarified from ToscaIndustry experts on our Tosca Community!

30. What is the need for the test configuration parameter?


The test configuration parameter is used to set values for objects. To simplify the maintenance of tests and avoid repetitions, we can set the values to test configuration parameters

31. How can we perform API testing?


We can perform API testing using Tosca API Scan. With this, we can scan API definitions and functions of an API. Tosca API Scan can be used to perform end-to-end testing to verify the performance and error-handling of an API.

32. How does Tosca Testsuite support Model-Based And Risk-Based Testing?

Ans:Tosca describes the test cases by scanning the application. The automation model contains the logic of automation for the decoupling of the test logic as defined in the test case. If the appropriate models have been established, they can be used to perform both automated and manual test cases with input and verification data.

33. Explain about test configuration parameters?

Ans: Test configuration parameters can help you customise your tests to set values. It can also be used for the use of Tosca objects. For the following Tricentis Tosca objects, you can build test configuration parameters:

  • Project root element
  • ExecutionList
  • Component folder
  • ExecutionEntry folder
  • Configurations folder
  • ExecutionEntry
  • TestCase folder
  • ScratchBook
  • TestCase
  • TestCase-Design folder
  • ExecutionList folder
34. Can we compare Pdf using Tosca?

Ans:Tosca offers us with a standard PDF comparison module. This feature supports two PDF files to be automatically linked to each other. If any variations are detected, they will be shown in the ExecutionLog after the test is run.

35. How can you check if a file exists in a specific directory or not in Tosca?

Ans:By using "TBox File Existence," we can verify whether or not a file exists in a particular directory. Contains the following attributes:

Directory: The directory to the file to be searched.

File: Name of the file to be reviewed. You may use Verify or WaitOn ActionModes.

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Application Designer Peoplesoft Tool Interview Questions


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