
Cisco Systems Transport Planner Designing Tool

The Cisco Transport Planner window menu bar and toolbar provide primary Cisco Transport Planner functions. The below table shows the actions that are available from the menu and toolbar.

Table 1. Menu and Toolbar Options


Menu Option





Creates a new Cisco Transport Planner project. See theCreating a Project.


Opens an existing Cisco Transport Planner project. See theOpening a Project.

Import Network

Imports node parameters from a network.


Closes the current project without closing the Cisco Transport Planner session. If you have not saved the current project, Cisco Transport Planner will prompt you to save before closing. See the Closing a Project.


Saves the current project. See the Closing a Project.

Save As

Allows you to save the current project with a new file name. See the Saving a Project.

Clear History

Clears the file history from Cisco Transport Planner. Cisco Transport Planner maintains a list of the last ten open projects in the File menu.


Exits the Cisco Transport Planner software.


My Default Layout

Changes the Cisco Transport Planner display to the user default layout. Cisco Transport Planner allows you to define the default value for Platform Options, Project Options, and General Options. The defined value are used as default for each new created project. See theSetting Cisco Transport Planner Options.

Default Layout

Returns the Cisco Transport Planner display to the system default layout.

Task Pane

Displays the commands available for the selected entity (network, site, duct, etc.).

Project Explorer

Displays the Project Explorer pane, which includes folders for project notes, networks, sites, fibers, traffic demand groups, subnets, maintenance centers, restricted equipment list, and reports. Clicking the plus (+) sign by each folder expands the folder. Clicking the minus (–) sign by each folder hides the folder. contents. You can also right-click a folder and choose Expand from the shortcut menu to show folder contents. The default location of the Project Explorer pane is the upper left section of the Cisco Transport Planner window.


Displays the Properties pane, which shows parameter settings for the selected entity in the Project Explorer pane, Mgmt Tree tab, or NtVw Net# tab. The default location of the Properties pane is the lower left section of the Cisco Transport Planner window.

Analyzer Messages

Displays the Analyzer Messages pane at the bottom of the Cisco Transport Planner window. The Analyzer Messages pane displays any error messages that occur during network analysis.

A2A Finalized Circuits

Displays Any-to-Any Finalization report at the bottom of the Cisco Transport Planner window. The Any-to-Any Finalization report pane displays the demands that are finalized in the network.



Opens the Options Explorer dialog box, where you can change the user default settings. See theSetting Cisco Transport Planner Options.

DB Parts Mgmt

Opens the PartsTreePanel dialog box, where you can view the list of available parts for each release. See the Setting the Default Project Values.

Price List Mgmt

Opens the Price Manager dialog box, where you can view maintenance contracts and add price databases. See the Managing the Price List.


Opens the Export dialog box, which allows you to export user options, price lists, maintenance contracts, and parts database files. See theExporting User Options, Price Lists or Alien Definitions.


Opens the Import dialog box, which allows you to import user options, price lists, maintenance contracts, and parts database files. See the Importing User Options, Price Lists or Alien Definitions.

Import from Sherpa

Opens the Import dialog box, which allows you to import Layer 2 network designs using the Cisco Carrier Packet Transport system.

Delete Cache

Deletes the CTP cache on restart.



Opens the Cisco Transport Planner online help.

Tips of the Day

Opens the Tip of the Day dialog box, which provides helpful hints about using Cisco Transport Planner. Click the Next button to view the next tip and the Back button to view a previous tip. Check Show Tips on Startup to display the Tip of the Day dialog box when you launch Cisco Transport Planner.


Displays Cisco Transport Planner version information.

Network Toolbar

Create a new subnet

Opens the Network Creation wizard when you click this icon and then click in the Cisco Transport Planner window. See theCreating a Project.

Create a new site

Opens the Site Creation wizard when you click this icon and then click in the Cisco Transport Planner window. See the Adding Sites.

Create a new duct

Allows you to create a new duct between sites. See the Adding Fiber Spans.

Create a new P2P demand

Opens the Point to Point Demand Creation wizard when you click this icon and then click two sites. See theUnderstanding Contentionless Functionality.

Create a new P-ring demand

Opens the P-Ring Creation wizard. See the Creating a Protected Ring Demand.

Finalize Any-to-Any traffic

Opens Finalize Any-to-Any Traffic window.

Toggle the filter for Any-to-Any finalized traffic

Displays the Any-to-Any demands that are finalized in the network

Create a new TDM Aggregated demand

Opens a TDM creation wizard. See the Creating TDM Aggregated Demands.

Create a new OTN Aggregated demand

Opens a OTNXC creation wizard. See the Creating OTN Aggregated Demand.

Connection Viewer

This image is not available in preview/

A new tool that provides a Card View and Mesh View for analyzed networks.


Connection Viewer lists only the Line sides in the drop-down list.

Create a new Ethernet Aggregated demand

Opens a Ethernet creation wizard. See the Creating Ethernet Aggregated Demands.

Set various GUI options

Displays the CTP GUI Options dialog box where the wavelength options can be set. The wavelength information can be displayed in nm, as a channel number or both.

Hide/show Network Details

Hides or displays duct information (duct name, EOL), amplifier forcing, and circuits on the network map in the Network tab.

Wavelength usage information

Hides or displays wavelength usage percentage in color on the network map in the Network tab.

– To display the wavelength usage in color, click Wavelength Usage Information in the network view. This option is enabled only after network analysis is complete.

– To highlight ducts that have selected wavelengths, choose the required wavelength from the adjacent drop-down list and then click Wavelength Usage Information. The default option is Auto, where all the wavelengths in the duct are selected.

Zoom in

Zooms in on the NtVw Net# tab.

Zoom out

Zoom out from the NtVw Net# tab.

Normal viewing

Returns the NtVw Net# tab to normal viewing (1:1).

Fit to window

Resizes the view so that all sites fit inside the NtVw Net# tab window.

Save network view image

Saves a JPEG of the network design. See the Creating a JPEG of the Network Design.

Analyze Network

Analyzes the selected network. See the Analyzing the Network.

Enter design mode

Puts the selected Design-Analyzed network back into the design mode for further changes. See the Analyzing the Network.

Put current network in upgrade mode

Creates a copy of the selected Design-Analyzed network in the Upgrade state. See the Creating an Upgrade Network.

Delete current network

Deletes the selected network. See theDeleting a Network.

Copy current network

Copies the selected network. See theCreating a Copy of the Network.

Put current network in install mode

Creates a copy of the selected Design-Analyzed network in the Install state. See the Creating a Network in the Install State.

Copy & Go back to Design Mode

Copies the selected network in the Design state. See theCreating a Copy of the Network in Design State.

Reports Diff

Opens the Reports Diff dialog box, which allows you to create a report that shows the differences between networks.

Run the Garbage Collector

Deletes unloaded networks from memory.

Cisco Systems Transport Planner Designing Tool


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