
How To Install Peoplesoft App Designer

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So, if you've come this far, you should be able to access the PeopleSoft home page without any issues 🙂

In this post, let us look at installing PeopleTools. First, you'd have to access the files required for the PeopleTools installation.

These are available on aSamba Network Share. You can access them by providing your virtual machine's IP address. In this case, the IP address is

If you're on an earlier version of Windows 10, you should be able to access the Samba share without any issues by accessing it via the run prompt:


But with newer versions of Windows 10, you're more likely to get the following prompt to enter your computer's user name and password:


Regardless of what you enter against the username and password fields, it is likely that you get the message "the user name or password is incorrect". There are various options out there from "Turn On Network Discovery" to "Turning Off Password Authentication for Network Shares" and "Editing the Registry". Unfortunately, none of them seem to work. If you know of a way to get it working, please leave a comment and I'll include it in this post.

So, what can you do now to access the shares? There's an alternative. You can access the files via WinSCP by connecting to the Linux server.

Download and install WinSCP from here. Once installed, access the application and follow the steps provided below:

  • Click on theNew Sessionbutton


  • In the window that opens, click onNew Site, enter the Linux Host name, username asroot and password for theroot user : click on Login once done


  • You'd get the following message – click onYes


  • The right pane of your WinSCP window will now look like this


  • PressCtrl + Oand paste this path /opt/oracle/psft/pt/tools_client
  • The directory and its contents would look like this


  • You can copy these folders to your PC which is on the left pane of WinSCP, by dragging and dropping them into a folder of your choice(on your PC)
  • Open a new cmd session in Administrator mode and navigate to the tools_client folder

C:\Users\MANIKANDAN>cd tools_client

Your prompt should now look like this:


  • Type SetupPTClient.batand press enter
  • Once the batch script starts executing, you'll start getting the following messages along with the Oracle Client installation – type N for the first prompt, if you're setting it up on your PC. The rest is all automatic:


If the installation goes through without any issues, your prompt would look like this


So far so good! Now lets get the Application Designer and other 2-tier tools installed.


  • From yourtools_clientfolder, now copy thetnsnames.orafile and paste it under thenetworkfolder in yourOracle Homedirectory
    • In this case, from C:\Users\MANIKANDAN\tools_clientto C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1\network\admin or C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\client_2\network\admin
  • Access Application Designer from the Start Menu


  • In the window that appears, database and username should be pre-populated – enter the password


  • If this is the first time that you're accessing Application Designer, it would take a while – it is worth the wait! 😉
  • The App Designer window looks like this:


That brings us to the end of this post. Let's look at querying the database(using SQL developer) and setting up Putty in the next post.

About Mani

A PeopleSoft Techno-functional Consultant. An engineering graduate in Computer Science. Technology Enthusiast. Movie freak. Gadget geek.

How To Install Peoplesoft App Designer


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